Primul start-up IT din Cluj
Cei 50 de ani de activitate, încep cu înfiinţarea la Cluj, în 1969, a Centrului Teritorial de Calcul Electronic, având ca obiect de activitate analiza de sisteme, proiectarea de aplicații, pregătirea cadrelor în informatică, coordonarea şi îndrumarea metodologică în teritoriu.
We use the latest DELL and IBM blade servers. Storage devices based on SSD and SAS discs, all of which are virtualized with VMwware, Veeam backup solutions and CISCO's latest generation of security solutions.
Our data centers are designed in accordance with international security standards, TIA-942.
Data Centers are provided by security and monitored 24/7.
We provide our customers with a professional technical support center,
via email: support@cianet.ro or by phone: +40 264 595 477

IT services
Desktop Support
Servere Support
Audit Licente
Audit Securitate
Network Support
Audit GDPR
Software products

SSL Certificate

Software licenses

Web development

Custom Software
Own solutions
IT consulting

To identify the most effective solutions
Do you have a project involving IT infrastructure?
Do you want to hire the best people in design and development and turn your project into reality? Well, stop searching. Get your business to the next level! Tell us your problems and offer you a solution.
